The Birth of the Nativity Scene
first-ever Nativity scene recorded in history was created by St. Francis of
Assisi. St. Francis was concerned that the meaning of Christmas was becoming
lost as most people were more focused with the ritual of gift giving them they
were of the true message of Christmas.
to remind people what Christmas is really about, he set about creating the
world’s first known Nativity scene to help tell his people of The Nativity Story.
It was created in a cave and near Greccio, Italy, and involved real people and
animals, making it a living Nativity scene.
nearly 800 years later, we still hear religious leaders echoing St. Francis’s
words. The true message of Christmas is becoming lost; buried underneath layers
of secular traditions. Yet at the same time, we also still see nativities
everywhere come Christmas time.
living Nativity scenes still exist today, much more popular
are static versions that require no real people or animals. Some of the most
famous Nativity scenes can be found at the Vatican, the White House, and in
Bethlehem, Pennsylvania.
How Nativity Scenes Came to our
scenes and sets as we know them today found their roots in the 1300’s. They
started as display pieces for Italian churches. Often made out of terracotta,
these early Nativity sets were displayed year round.
In the
mid-1500’s, Nativity sets began to appear Not only in churches, but in the
homes of wealthier citizens, even though some prominent religious groups in
Italy at the time were attempting to move away from nativities altogether.
are much smaller versions than the large statue found in churches. Instead of
being constructed solely of terracotta, artisans began using wax and wood as
well. They were also dressed in beautiful clothes.
the years, the nativities spread to practically all Christian countries, each
region adding its own influence and unique style. Traditions were also
developed in some countries, most notably in Central American and Mediterranean
home Nativity was picked up more than anybody by the Germans, where Catholic
and Protestant families alike display them in their homes. It is still
tradition in Germany to display all parts of the Nativity set with the
exception of baby Jesus, who is only displayed after Christmas Eve, as before
that time he is not yet been born. Most other regions, including America, do
not follow this tradition.
Today’s Nativity Sets
the typical Nativity set is made out of more modern materials, such as
porcelain, ceramic, resin, and sometimes china, but some sets are still carved
out of wood, or even a more expensive olive wood.
basic nativity set should consist of at least five pieces. The stable, of course,
is the setting. The manger where baby Jesus will rest, is placed front and
center in the stable. This is because Jesus is the most significant piece in
any Nativity set. Mary and Joseph are also prominent, but not as prominent.
Mary is often placed right beside the manger, fondly looking over her son,
while Joseph can either be placed on the other side of the manger looking down
on Jesus, or slightly away from the manger looking away. Together, these five
pieces, stable, manger, Christ child, Mary and Joseph, make a complete yet
basic set.
addition to the basic set, it is not uncommon to add the star of Bethlehem, the
Angel Gabriel, the shepherds, the Wisemen, and various barn animals. Many
people consider keeping a Nativity on display over the Christmas holidays is a
great way to remind us all of the true message of Christmas. Nativity scenes
can start out small, and become hobbies for families, where a new piece or
pieces are added each year.
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